Hello Readers, My Name is Sourav Chowdhury.

I have loved to travel since my childhood, but my father never took me anywhere because he didn’t like travelling at all. When I was in school, all my friends used to go somewhere for summer vacation, but I couldn’t go anywhere, so I was sure that the day I grow up and start earning my own money, I will travel all over India.

Then came the year 2019; then I was working for almost two years. I saved some money, and from that money I started my first trip. First, I planned to travel to North India, and as planned, I first went to Allahabad, Delhi and travelled all over North India, like Kashmir and Punjab, for about 3 months. I was travelling to North India very well. When I went to Kashmir, I met two bloggers, and from there I got the idea to write articles on WordPress, and I decided that I would also start my own travel website and start writing articles.

So when I came back to Kolkata, I saw WordPress from an agency, and after seeing it, I started my own travel website to travel and write articles along with it. After struggling for almost two years, my website started earning a little income, and then I quit my job and now do full-time travel blogging. Due to some minor issues, my website was down for the past few days. And now I have started writing articles on this website again.

And then I got to travel all over India, like Goa, Mumbai, and Chennai, all different states in South India. I hope to share my travel experience with you through this website. My first plan to create this website is to let you know how cheap we can travel.

Here I will share with you all the travel tips and how you can travel very easily. According to me, there are mainly three types of travel expenses: transportation, accommodation, and food and drink expenses.

If we can minimise all these expenses, then our travel expenses will be greatly reduced. Those who like to travel solo like me can hitchhike for transportation, and there is an app called Couchsurfing through which you can find hosts in various places. This will save you hotel costs and give you a great experience staying with locals.

I will continue to write articles on this website and try to help you travel as long as I can. Come to my website, and I will be proud if I can help you a little bit.